Wednesday, March 13, 2013


Through our privacy policy we make you aware of the proper conditions of use on this site.

The use of these implies full and unreserved acceptance of each and every provision of this legal notice, so if you do not agree with any of the conditions set forth herein, you shall not use and / or access this site.

We reserve the right to modify this privacy statement at any time. Your continued use of any portion of this site following notification or posting of such modifications, will constitute your acceptance of such changes.

About Cookies

This site uses cookies, which are small data files that are generated on your computer. These send information from your computer without providing references that could allow to deduce personal data from it.

You can configure your browser to notify and reject the installation of cookies sent by this site, without detriment to the ability to access the content. However, we are not responsible if the deactivation impedes the smooth operation of the site for you.

To disable cookies and avoid Google Adsense advertising systems creating a profile of your browsing, visit this link and select your desired disabling options.

About Web Beacons

This site may also contain web beacons, an electronic chart that allows to count the users who access the site or access certain cookies, so we can offer a more personalized experience.

Privacy Policy of the Advertising provided at this site:

Google Adsense:

We study the preferences of our customers, their demographics, traffic patterns, and other information together to better understand who our audience is and what you need. Tracking our users' preferences also helps us serve you the most relevant ads.

Privacy Policy of Tracking Sources used in this site:

Google Analytics:

We use tracking software to know the amount of people accessing our site. This software statistics system digs some information from our visitors. This information includes aspects as geographic location, operating system and browser used, traffic sources, keywords used, pagewiews, and estimated time spent visiting the website. No personal data is collected.

Policy on Personal Data Protection

To use certain services or access certain content, you could be asked to provide certain data of personal nature; this data will only be used for the purpose it was collected.

The type of information that could be requested includes, without limitation, your name, e-mail address, date of birth, sex, occupation, city and country of origin, and personal interests, among others. Not all of this information requested is mandatory, as we will make noticeable when appropriate.

As a general principle, this site will not share or disclose information except when authorized by you, or in the following cases:

a) When requested by a competent authority and after fulfilling the corresponding legal proceedings.

b) When opinion of this site is necessary to enforce the terms of use and other terms of this page or to protect integrity of other users or the site.

You should be aware that if you voluntarily disclose personal information online in a public area, that information may be collected and used by others. We do not control the actions of our visitors and users.

Responsible Behaviour

All information provided must be truthful. For these purposes, you guarantee the authenticity of all data communicated as a result of completing the necessary forms for accessing the services provided in the site. In any case you will be solely responsible for any false or inaccurate conduct, and the damage caused to this site or others for the information provided.

You agree to act responsibly at this site and to treat other visitors with respect.

About Image Usage

Part of the images provided by this website are intended for personal and non-commercial use only. It is strictly prohibited to use these images in any commercial or lucrative project without previous permission. Websites that make use of any advertising program are included in this definition. If you want to use these images for non-commercial purposes, you have to give credit to the webpages where these images are shown or alternatively this website's main page.

Please note that the pictures displayed in this website, most of which have been personally gathered by me, do not contain any watermark that would devalue them; this should be intended by the user as a sign of good will and therefore it would be another sign of good will to follow the forementioned guidelines. Understand that the misuse of this source of information, when resulting in a direct prejudice against the website itself (for instance, outranking it in the search engines because of a great amount of duplicated text or pictures) will be likely detected and proper actions could be taken against the offenders. If you want to consult something, use this e-mail address (it is written in reverse): se.liamtoh@tessarnamat.

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